NAEYC Federal Recommendations

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As part of our federal advocacy work, NAEYC develops and shares statements, letters, comments, and recommendations with the Administration and Congress, often in collaboration with other national and state organizations. Explore the resources below to see how we use research and expertise from the field to inform our ideas and suggestions for how policymakers can craft legislation and regulation that equitably and successfully supports high-quality early childhood education and educators.

Letters to the Administration:

December 2019 Comments to the Administration for Children and Families on the need to improve access to affordable, high quality child care
November 2019 Coments in Response to Proposed Changes to the Civil Rights Data Collection
September 2019 Comments in Response to the Proposed Revision of Categorical Eligibility in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
December 2018 Comments in Opposition of Proposed Public Charge Regulation
April 2018 Joint letter to US Department of Education and US Department of Health and Human Services on the implementation of Preschool Development Grants
February 2018 Comments in response to the US Department of Education’s preliminary report related to the administration and development of policies and regulations affecting rural schools and districts
November 2017 Comments on Education Secretary DeVos’ Proposed Supplemental Priorities and Definitions for Discretionary Grant Programs
May 2017 Coalition letter to the Office of Management and Budget on the need for data regarding ECE suspensions and expulsions within the National Survey of Children's Health
December 2016 Joint Letter to President-Elect Trump Urging Continued Investment in the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG)
September 2016 Comments on the 2018 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) Revision Process
May 2016 Joint Letter to Education Secretary King on the Non-Regulatory Guidance Early Learning in the Every Student Succeeds Act
May 2016 Comments on the Draft Policy Statement on Early Childhood Career Pathways
February 2016 Comments on the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)
January 2016 Comments on the Non-Regulatory Guidance Early Learning in the Every Student Succeeds Act
September 2015 Comments on Head Start Performance Standards Notice of Proposed Rule Making
October 2014 Letter to Education Secretary Duncan with Comments on Proposed Requirements - School Improvement Grants
July 2014 Letter to Policy Committee with comments on the revisions to the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC)
July 2014 Comments on the Proposed Case Studies of the Implementation of Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEAs)
May 2014 Comments on the draft Executive Summaries of the Preschool Development & Preschool Expansion Grants
February 2014 Comments for EHS and Child Care Partnership FOA

Letters to Congress:

March 2020 ECE Organizations Urge Congress to Support Child Care and Early Learning in Coronavirus Response
February 2020 Submitted Testimony - The Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, Trade, & Entrepreneurship: “Taking Care of Business: How Childcare is Important for Regional Economies.”
February 2020 Submitted Testimony - Committee on Education & Labor Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Hearing: Solving America’s Childcare Crisis: Supporting Parents, Children, and the Economy
May 2018 Shared Statement from the Children’s Advocacy Group in Opposition to the House Farm Bill, H.R. 2
April 2018 Coalition Letter to Appropriations Committee leadership regarding early childhood priorities in the FY19 Appropriations process
March 2018 NAEYC's Priorities for Higher Education Act reauthorization
2017 Shared Statement from Early Childhood Education Organizations on the PROSPER Act and the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act
Letter to Chairman Alexander and Chairwoman Foxx and Ranking Members Murray and Scott on the upcoming reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA)
November 2017 Coalition Letter to Congressional Leadership to provide sequester relief to finalize Fiscal Year 2018 funding bills
April 2017 Coalition Letter to Appropriations Committee leadership in support of funding for Title II, Part A of ESSA
March 2017 Coalition Letter to Appropriations Committee leadership regarding early childhood priorities in the FY18 Appropriations process
February 2017 Letter to Chairman Alexander and Chairwoman Foxx and Ranking Members Murray and Scott on progress related to states' implementation of ESSA with a focus on early learning
September 2016 Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership on State and Local Appropriations
October 2015 Joint Letter to Congressional Leadership from the Grow America Stronger campaign on the Reauthorization of the Higher Ed Act
October 2015 Letter to Chairmen Alexander and Kline and Ranking Members Murray and Scott on Higher Ed Act Reauthorization
February 2015 Letter on ESEA Recommendations to Chairmen Alexander and Kline and Ranking Members Murray and Scott
September 2014 Letter to Representatives Kline and Miller on the CCDBG Reathorization
August 2014 Letter to Senator Harkin with Comments on the Draft Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act
February 2014 Letter to Senate for Child Care Development Block Grant