Planning service pre–application scheme guidance

We charge a fee to provide planning pre-application advice and the standard charges are given here.

Householder extensions

The charge is based on the level of advice needed and can include a meeting

Type of response Fee Charge for follow up
Desktop assessment resulting in checklist response £100.00 £100.00
Full assessment excluding meeting £150.00 £100.00
Full assessment including meeting £200.00 £150.00

Residential development

The charge is based on the number of new dwellings being created and includes a full assessment and a meeting

Number of new dwellings Fee Charge for follow up
1 dwelling £360.00 £300.00
2 to 4 dwellings £1000.00 £700.00
5 to 8 dwellings £1650.00 £1200.00
9 to 14 dwellings £2000.00 £1500.00
15 to 20 dwellings £2250.00 £1600.00
21 to 30 dwellings £2800.00 £2200.00
31 to 49 dwellings £3200.00 £2500.00
50 to 149 dwellings £5000.00 £3000.00

For advice on schemes of 150 dwellings or more, we would enter into a planning permformance agreement and calculate a bespoke fee.

Non-residential or commercial development

The charge is based on the floor area in square meters for the proposed development and includes a full assessment and a meeting

Floor area Fee Charge for follow up
Up to 100sqm £200.00 £115.00
101 to 249sqm £300.00 £250.00
250 to 499sqm £700.00 £450.00
500 to 999sqm £1100.00 £700.00
1000 to 2000sqm £1500.00 £1100.00
2001 to 5000sqm £3200.00 £2000.00
5001 to 9999sqm £5000.00 £3000.00

For advice on schemes with a floor area of 10,000 square metres or more, we would enter into a planning permformance agreement and calculate a bespoke fee.

Advice for other services

The charge for advice on the following matters includes a written response only and no meeting is offered.

Type of advice Fee
Change of use of land and buildings £650.00
Trees and landscaping £190.00
Works to a tree preservation order (TPO) tree or within a conservation area £190.00
Advertisements £130.00
Non-material amendments £125.00
Approval of details or clearance of planning conditions £80.00 per condition
Variation of conditions £80.00 per condition
Local community group £125.00
Telecommunications £550.00
Extensions or alterations to listed buildings £60.00 admin fee to write instructions to obtain specialist advice. Specialist advice fee will be calculated on a case by case basis by an external provider.
Minerals and waste £60.00 admin fee to write instructions to obtain specialist advice. Specialist advice fee will be calculated on a case by case basis by an external provider.
Specialist advice £60.00 admin fee to write instructions to obtain specialist advice. Specialist advice fee will be calculated on a case by case basis by an external provider.

Planning performance agreement and bespoke services

For any scheme requiring a planning performance agreement or for any other bespoke service we will calculate a fee based on the estimated officer time required to provide the advice. The fee is based on an hourly charge rate and is dependent on the experience of the officer.

Officer Category Fee - hourly charge
Group Manager £200.00
Development or planning manager £150.00
Planning policy lead £150.00
Principal planning professional £125.00
Senior planning officer £100.00
Planning officer £75.00
Junior planning officer £65.00
Planning enforcement officer £50.00
Business support officer £40.00

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