The Access to Information Act

Introduction: The updated Access to Information Act

The Access to Information Act (ATIA) provides Canadian citizens, permanent residents, and individuals and corporations present in Canada a right to access records under the control of government institutions, in accordance with the principles that government information should be available to the public, that necessary exceptions to the right of access should be limited and specific, and that decisions on the disclosure of government information should be reviewed independently of government. There are roughly 260 government institutions currently subject to the ATIA.

Bill C-58, An Act to amend the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act received royal assent on June 21, 2019 , making important improvements to the openness and transparency of government. These are the most significant amendments to the act since it came into force in 1983.

The new legislation improves the way government information is provided to Canadians by:

The ATIA balances access to government information with exemptions and exclusions that protect other important democratic values, such as the need for the public service to provide full, free and frank advice to ministers, the protection of the confidentiality of Cabinet deliberations, the protection of personal information, and national security considerations.

An institution subject to the ATIA has 30 calendar days to reply to a request and give written notice as to whether or not access to the record requested will be provided. An institution can take an extension under specific circumstances. A requester who is not satisfied with a time extension taken by an institution or with the information an institution releases in response to a request can submit a complaint to the Information Commissioner.

Previously, the Office of the Information Commissioner would investigate, and the Commissioner may have made recommendations. The Information Commissioner now has the legislated ability to order government to release records, as well as make orders concerning time extensions, access in the official language requested and format of release for accessibility purposes.

Access to Information Act statistics

There is continued growth in the number of access to information requests. Since 2015, the number of pages released under the ATIA has increased by more than 260%, from 6,623,001 pages in 2015-16 to 24,143,497 pages in 2017-18.

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Overview: Bill C-58

Bill C-58 received Royal Assent on June 21, 2019 , bringing into force important improvements to the openness and transparency of government. These are the most significant changes to the Act since it came into force in 1983, and represent the first phase of the review of the Access to Information Act. Phase II was a full review of the Act, and began within one year of royal assent of Bill C-58.

Key changes in the new legislation include:

The Information Commissioner has a much stronger role

The Information Commissioner now has the power, following an investigation of a complaint, to make binding orders in relation to access to information requests, including ordering the release of government records.

Orders issued by the Information Commissioner will normally take effect after 30 business days. To preserve the careful balance in the Access to Information Act between the public interest in transparency and accountability, and other important considerations, such as privacy and national security, a government institution that has serious concerns with an order could seek review by the Federal Court within 30 business days of receiving the order. In cases where a third party or the Privacy Commissioner has a right of review, there are an additional 10 business days before the order takes effect to allow these rights to be exercised.

The Prime Minister’s Office, ministers’ offices, senators, members of Parliament and administrative institutions that support Parliament and the courts, government departments and agencies, and Crown corporations are legally required to publish a broad range of information, without the need for a request

Proactive publication by the Prime Minister's Office, ministers' offices, senators, members of Parliament, institutions that support Parliament and the courts, government departments and agencies, and Crown corporations is now entrenched in law. Current and future governments now have an obligation to proactively provide Canadians with a broad range of information, including information about the use of public funds, on a predictable schedule, and without the need to make a request.

Proactive publication requirements include: mandate letters; briefing packages for new ministers; briefing note titles; Question Period notes; and briefing materials prepared for Parliamentary Committee appearances.

In addition, from now on, the fact that an individual is or was a Ministerial staff member, as well as their name and title will no longer be considered personal information for the purposes of administering the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. This change applies to records created on or after Royal Assent.

Proactive publication requirements for Senators, Members of Parliament and administrative institutions that support Parliament and the courts will come into force one year after the date of royal assent to ensure adequate time for these institutions to implement the changes effectively.

The Access to Information Act will be regularly reviewed

Under the new Access to Information Act, the government is required to initiate a review of the Act within one year of Royal Assent of Bill C-58, and every five years afterwards. The first full review of the Act will enable the government to build on the targeted changes made in Bill C-58.

Parliamentary committees will also initiate a review of the Act within one year of Royal Assent of Bill C-58 and every five years afterwards, and issue their recommendations for changes.

No fees apart from the $5 application fee

Consistent with the Government’s policy in place since 2016, the updated Access to Information Act eliminates all fees other than the application fee. The government no longer has the authority to set or charge additional fees, such as fees for processing a request or reproduction of documents.

The amount of the application fee is set through regulation and is currently fixed at $5.

Institutions will be allowed to seek the Information Commissioner’s approval to decline to act on “bad faith” requests, so that services may be delivered more efficiently

The number of access to information requests is growing annually, and institutions are struggling to respond in a timely manner. In a small number of cases, requesters use the right to request government information for reasons that may not be consistent with the purpose of the Act.

To help focus resources on requests that are consistent with the purpose of the Act, government institutions may now seek the Information Commissioner’s approval to decline to act on an access to information request that is vexatious, made in bad faith, or is otherwise an abuse of the right of access. Before seeking the Information Commissioner’s approval to decline to act on a request, an institution must make every reasonable effort to assist the person in connection with the request, including working with the requester to clarify the request. If the Information Commissioner approves an institution’s decision to decline to act on a request, the $5 application fee would be refunded.

As well, the Information Commissioner now has the authority to refuse to investigate or cease to investigate a complaint if it is trivial, frivolous or vexatious, or is made in bad faith; or if further investigation is unnecessary in the circumstances.

Improved administration of the Access to Information Act

The Government is taking additional steps to strengthen access to information by improving tools available to institutions and to the public.

In fall 2018, the government launched the ATIP Online Request Service – a simple, centralized website that enables users to make access to information and personal information requests to institutions that are subject to the Access to Information Act and Privacy Act. The ATIP Online Request Service provides an easy way to make requests to over 140 institutions, with more institutions being added regularly. It can also help requesters find summaries of previous requests, so that they might not have to make their own request. It also helps identify which institution may hold the information requesters are seeking.

As well, the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat is leading efforts to update the electronic processing tools that are used by government institutions to prepare responses to requests for information, enable institutions to give status updates for online requests, and deliver documents electronically in response to a request.

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A stronger role for the Information Commissioner

Improving the way access requests are processed