Marriage in Germany

In Germany marriage may only be contracted before a registrar, a religious ceremony is optional.

In Germany marriage may only be contracted before a registrar. A religious ceremony is optional. This instructional pamphlet conveys general information only. Please contact the appropriate registrar's office (“Standesamt”) for detailed information. Applications should be filed with the registrar's office in Germany where either party has his or her residence. If neither party has a residence in the Federal Republic of Germany, the registrar's office has to be contacted, where the marriage should take place.

Documents to submit

The appropriate civil registrar’s office in Germany provides information on the required documents. It is advisable to contact the registrar's office well in advance to make sure that you can be married on the intended date. The registrar's office will answer any further questions which may arise. Only the information provided by the registrar’s office is binding in the individual case.

Typically both fiancés are required to submit the following documents to the registrar:

Please note that the registrar's office might request that all foreign public documents be presented with an additional Apostille

If you and your future spouse intend to establish a joint residence in Germany, please familiarize yourself with the rules for getting a Residence Permit