Businesses planning to change registered information, including the entity type, name, address, email, ownership or registered agent, must notify the Idaho Secretary of State’s office. For information, visit the Legal Structure section of this website. Corporations and LLCs must keep both their address and email address updated or risk having the business administratively dissolved when the annual report form is returned by the Post Office or not received via email.
The IRS collects taxes owed to the federal government, including personal, corporate and business income taxes, federal withholding and Social Security and Medicare taxes. When a business name or entity type changes, tax reports may not be properly attributed to the business. When a business entity type changes (such as from an LLC to a corporation), the tax reporting date and reporting forms may change. If the entity type is changed, a new Employer Identification Number (EIN) may be required. See the IRS website for information on how to notify them of entity or name changes, change of address or responsible party, and how to apply for a new EIN if needed. Also see Changing or Cancelling Registered Information on the Legal Structure page of this website for details.
EIN: Businesses having an EIN must notify the IRS when the business address, location or responsible party changes by filing form 8822-B.
Oversees the collection of income, sales, withholding, lodging, and other state taxes. When a business changes its entity type, the reporting date and forms used may change. When changing the business name or entity type, contact the Tax Commission to be certain tax payments are correctly attributed to the business.
If you have an unemployment account and change the name or entity type of your business, contact DOL to be certain payments and reports are correctly attributed to your business.
City clerk’s offices manage business activities occurring within city limits. When a business changes its name, existing licenses and/or permits will need to be amended. If the name changes because the business is sold, a new license may be required. To find contact information for your local city clerk’s office, see City Clerk. If you secured permits from your county clerk’s office, those will need to be updated as well.
This site is brought to you by the combined efforts of more than 20 state and federal agencies known as the RIB (Reducing Idaho’s Bureaucracy) Committee. Website development and updates were funded by grants from USDA Rural Development.
The Idaho Small Business Development Center maintains the site. Contact the Idaho SBDC today for a free business consultation.