
This page contains a master list of various Division of Elections forms. In addition, the links below contain subsets of the master list candidates and others may find useful.

Candidate Forms Subpages

Committee Forms Subpages

Assorted Forms Subpages

Master Form List

Statement of Organization for Political Committee

Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Political Committees

Independent Expenditure Statement for Rebate of Filing Fees (political parties)

Affiliated Party Committee Independent Expenditure Statement (political parties)

Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates

Polling Place Procedures Manual

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Summary

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Itemized Contributions

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Fund Transfers

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Itemized Expenditures

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Itemized Distributions

NVRA Complaint Form

President and Vice President Candidate Petition, No Party Affiliation

President and Vice President Candidate Petition, Minor Political Party

Affidavit of Undue Burden - Candidate

Affidavit of Undue Burden - Committee

Polling Place Notice - Voter's Bill of Rights

Polling Place Notice - Voter Responsibilities

Elections Fraud Complaint Form

Polling Place Notice - Voter Fraud

Florida Voter Registration Application

Template for County Reports on Overvotes and Undervotes for General Election

Registered Agent Statement of Appointment

Office Account Forms

Office Account Disbursement of Deposit Information

HAVA Complaint Form

Testimonial for Public Officers

Testimonial for Public Officers (Testimonial Contributions)

Testimonial for Public Officers (Testimonial Expenditures)

Polling Place Notice - Instructions for Voters

Certification Application for Supervisor of Elections for Special Qualification Salary

Campaign Loans Report

Campaign Loans Report Itemized

NVRA Voter Registration Agency (VRA) Preference Form and Application (only for use by VRAs, not 3PVROs)

Conduct of Elections Form

Statement of Candidate for Judicial Office

Statement of Candidate

Request for Return of Contribution

Waiver of Report

Irrevocable Statement to Voluntarily Abide by the Expenditure and Contributions Limits on Personal and Party Funds

Campaign Treasurer's Report - Fund Transfers

Affidavit of Intention (Supreme Court & DCA only)

Affidavit of Compliance (Supreme Court & DCA only)

Candidate for Governor or Cabinet Member Request for Campaign Financing Act Matching Funds

Telephone Solicitation Resident Agent Form

Florida Voting Systems Standards

Statement of Solicitation

Electioneering Communication Statement of Organization

Candidate Petition Form

Audit Team Worksheet for Marksense Ballots

Precinct Summary for Manual Audit

Discrepancy Report for Automated Independent Audit

Post-Election Certification Voting System Audit

Electronic Filing System User Guide - Candidate

Electronic Filing System User Guide - Political Committee

Electronic Filing System User Guide - Electioneering Communications Organization

Campaign Finance Reporting File Specifications

Campaign Finance Reporting File Specifications - Multiple Uniform Contributions

Circuit Court Judge Selection Initiative Form

County Court Judge Selection Initiative Form

Certification of Address List Maintenance Activities

Certification of Eligibility Records Maintenance

Third-Party Voter Registration Organization Registration Form
The citizenship portion of this Form is not in effect at this time because it has been permanently enjoined by the Northern District of Florida, United States District Court. Therefore, the citizenship affirmation is not required.

Complaint Against Third-Party Voter Registration Organization

Template Notice to Applicant - Personal Identifying Number

Supervisors of Elections’ Accounting of Third-Party Voter Registration Organization's Voter Registration Application

Poll Watcher Designation

SOE Transmittal Form – 3PVRO Noncompliance

3PVRO Declarations
The citizenship portion of this Form is not in effect at this time because it has been preliminarily enjoined by the Northern District of Florida, United States District Court. Therefore, the citizenship affirmation is not required until and unless the law goes into effect.

3PVRO Voter Application Receipt

Voter Registration Agencies Quarterly Activities Report Form

Election Coding Statement

Voting System Registered Agent Designation

SOE Handbook on Certifying Candidate Petitions

Election Results XML Schema Reference

Election Results XML Schema Reference

Instructions and Form for Vote-by-Mail Ballot Cure Affidavit

Early Voting Locations/Dates/Times and Secure Ballot Intake Station Locations

Minority Appointment Reporting Form

Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Information File Layout

Application to Obtain Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Information

Early Voting Voters List File Layout

COOP Contact Information Form

Local Election Dates Report

Request to Destroy Unused Election Materials

Complaint Against Petition Circulator

Constitutional Amendment Initiative Petition Form – Volunteer

Constitutional Amendment Initiative Petition Form – Paid Petition Circulator

Constitutional Amendment Full Text (Template)

Statewide Vote-by-Mail Request Form

Form for Personal Delivery of Vote-by-Mail Ballot

Presidential Preference Primary ballot

Democratic Primary ballot, not containing a universal primary contest

Republican Primary ballot, not containing a universal primary contest

Nonpartisan Primary ballot, not containing a universal primary contest

Democratic Primary ballot, containing a universal primary contest

Republican Primary ballot, containing a universal primary contest

Nonpartisan Primary ballot, containing a universal primary contest

General Election ballot

09/2018 (updated w tech change)

Hybrid Voting System Primary Election Paper Output Receipt

Provisional Ballot Certificate (Universal Template)

Provisional Ballot Cure Affidavit - Instructions and Form

Candidate Oath Federal Office with Party Affiliation

Candidate Oath Federal Office Without Party Affiliation

Candidate Oath Federal Office Write-In Candidate

Candidate Oath State and Local Partisan Office With Party Affiliation

Candidate Oath State and Local Partisan Office Without Party Affiliation

Candidate Oath State and Local Partisan Write-In Candidate

Candidate Oath Nonpartisan Office

Candidate Oath Judicial Office

Candidate Oath School Board Office

Candidate Oath State Committeemen and Committeewomen

Candidate Oath District Committeemen and Committeewomen

Candidate Oath Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen

Candidate Oath Write-In For President and Vice President

Recount Procedures Manual

Post-election Voting System Audit Procedures Manual

Voter Intent Standards

Public Records Exemption Request

Financial Disclosure Forms and Information

Random Sampling Tables 1 - 3

Random Sampling Tables 4 - 50

Questionnaire for Senate Confirmation

Commission Issuance Forms

Committee Person Forms

Complaint Forms

County Candidate Forms

Federal Candidate Forms

Electioneering Communications Organization Forms

Forms Incorporated in Rule

Independent Expenditure Forms

Judicial Candidate Forms

Political Committee Forms

Political Party Forms

Statewide or Multicounty Candidate Forms

Supervisor of Election Forms

Testimonial for Public Officer Forms

Forms & Publications