Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering - Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) offers three programs of study leading to the bachelor’s degree. They are the Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, the Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and a double degree of Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Both Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering degree programs offer a Fast Track option which enables outstanding undergraduate students to receive dual undergraduate/ graduate course credit for up to nine hours of coursework. Minor degrees are also offered in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. The Mechanical Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET (, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Mechanical Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering programs. The Aerospace Engineering (B.S.) program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET (, under the General Criteria and the Program Criteria for Aerospace Engineering and Similarly Named Engineering programs. The mechanical and aerospace engineering programs have been accredited since 1967 and 1968, respectively.

This section contains Department policies governing admission and academic progress which are common to both aerospace and mechanical degree programs.


For admission to the aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering programs, students must meet the requirements for admission to the College of Engineering. For unconditional transfer into the department, a student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.50 in all science, mathematics and engineering courses, a minimum 3-GPA calculation of 2.50 in UTA coursework, and a total of no more than four unsuccessful attempts in engineering courses.


The advising process is designed to assist students as they make important decisions related to their academic progress at UT Arlington and career goals in general.

Specifically, the purpose of advising is:

Ultimately, the student is responsible for seeking academic advice, making decisions regarding goals, meeting degree requirements, and enrolling in appropriate courses. The academic advisor is to provide assistance in these decisions. Each student is responsible for understanding and complying with University and College policies and procedures.

During each long semester, the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department conducts pre-enrollment advising weeks. Returning students (i.e., students who are or have previously been students at The University of Texas at Arlington) shall meet with their assigned advisors during advising weeks and complete the pre-enrollment advising process. Returning students who are unable to be present for advising during advising weeks should contact their advisor at the earliest opportunity. New students may receive pre-enrollment advising following advising weeks during normal advising hours.

Goal of the Undergraduate Program

The overall goal of the undergraduate program is to provide the graduate an educational background for lifelong learning and the ability to assume a leadership role in the mechanical or aerospace engineering professions. The programs are broad-based and designed to provide a strong foundation in science, mathematics, and engineering science; technical competence in multiple areas of mechanical or aerospace engineering practice; and an understanding of the importance of ethics, safety, professionalism, and socioeconomic concerns in resolving technical problems.

Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes

Program Educational Objectives

A primary goal of the mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering degree programs is to provide an educational experience and training that will prepare graduates to excel within the broad scope of the mechanical and aerospace engineering professions. Our Program Educational Objectives are to enable our graduates to attain the following professional and career accomplishments during the first few years following graduation:

Student Outcomes

Mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering student outcomes established to accomplish the educational objectives are as follows.

The mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering programs offer broad technical backgrounds for students who may choose other engineering fields for advanced study.

Academic Regulations

Academic Honesty

The College of Engineering takes academic honesty and ethical behavior very seriously. Engineers are entrusted with the safety, health, and well being of the public. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will be punished to the full extent permitted by the rules and regulations of UT Arlington. In particular, a student found guilty of a second offense by the Office of Student Judicial Affairs will be subject to dismissal from the College of Engineering

Academic Standing

To be in good academic standing within the MAE department, each mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering student in the pre-preprofessional program must maintain a minimum 3-GPA calculation of 2.50 and have a total of no more than four unsuccessful attempts in engineering courses. Further, in the professional program, each student must maintain a minimum UTA cumulative GPA of 2.0 and a minimum major GPA of 2.0.

Advancement into Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professional Programs

Requirements for advancement into the Professional Programs in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering are in accordance with those in the College of Engineering with the added stipulation that:

b. required math, science, and engineering courses, and

c. required MAE courses.

Additional Requirements

Requirements for the bachelor of science in mechanical engineering and bachelor of science in aerospace engineering are in accordance with those of the University and the College of Engineering with the added stipulation that:

Oral Communication and Computer Use Competency Requirements

Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering students will satisfy the Oral Communication Competency requirement by completing COMS 2302 PROFESSIONAL AND TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, and the Computer Use Competency requirement by completing MAE 2360 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS & PROGRAMMING.

Other Provisions

Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering (BSAE)

Rapid advances in aerospace systems require the successful aerospace engineer to develop new concepts and bring them into reality as reliable, competitive, and environmentally acceptable products. Successful completion of a balanced study of basic science and engineering topics, further complemented by humanities, will ensure that graduates are well prepared to tackle tomorrow’s challenges. The curriculum covers the broad areas of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, propulsion and combustion, flight mechanics and controls, structural mechanics and material behavior, structural dynamics, and system design and optimization supplemented by appropriate laboratory experiences. The culmination of the curriculum is a vehicle design project. Students may broaden their education by choosing elective courses in a secondary field of interest or by taking a second bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering.

Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Total hours completed will depend upon prior preparation and academic qualifications.

UNIV 1131 is required for students admitted as Freshman. ENGR 1101 is required for students admitted as Transfer.

All pre-professional courses must be completed before enrolling in professional courses.

Technical electives must be approved in advance by the student's academic advisor. Normally, they are selected from the senior elective 4000 level courses in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Recommended Core Curriculum

Aerospace Engineering students will satisfy the university core curriculum requirement by completing all General Education courses specified under "Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering" along with ENGL 1301 , MATH 1426 , MATH 2425 , MATH 2326 , PHYS 1443 and PHYS 1444 , which are within the Pre-Professional Program. The university core curriculum allows each degree plan to designate a component area to satisfy three hours of the core requirement. For the aerospace engineering degree plan, the designated component area is Math and MATH 2326 is selected to satisfy the requirement. For more information, see University Core Curriculum.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering (BSME)

The mechanical engineer needs to be extremely versatile and can be found in a large variety of private and public sector organizations. He or she may be involved in product design and development, manufacturing, project management, power generation or other operations. Therefore, the mechanical engineering curriculum is broad-based and emphasizes fundamental engineering sciences and applications. Approximately equal emphasis is given to machine design, structural analysis, thermodynamics and energy, systems and control, and materials science. Classroom lectures are supplemented by laboratories. The student completes a capstone design project as the culmination of the undergraduate program.

Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Total hours completed will depend upon prior preparation and academic qualifications.

UNIV 1131 is required for students admitted as Freshman. ENGR 1101 is required for students admitted as Transfer.

All pre-professional courses must be completed before enrolling in professional courses.

Technical electives must be approved in advance by the student's academic advisor. Normally, they are selected from the senior elective 4000 level courses in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Recommended Core Curriculum

Mechanical Engineering students will satisfy the university core curriculum requirement by completing all General Education courses specified under "Requirements for a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering" along with ENGL 1301 , MATH 1426 , MATH 2425 , MATH 2326 , PHYS 1443 and PHYS 1444 , which are within the Pre-Professional Program. The university core curriculum allows each degree plan to designate a component area to satisfy three hours of the core requirement. For the mechanical engineering degree plan, the designated component area is Math and MATH 2326 is selected to satisfy the requirement. For more information, see University Core Curriculum.

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Double Major

A student wishing to obtain a double major in mechanical engineering and aerospace engineering under a single degree, simultaneously prior to graduation, can integrate the courses for the double major requirement throughout his/her undergraduate career at UT Arlington. When applying for graduation, a student should note on the application that he/she will be completing an additional major. One diploma is issued and both majors are recorded on a student’s transcript and diploma. The student is encouraged to consult with the Undergraduate Advisor on the appropriate course of study.

Fast Track Program to Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering

Overview: The Fast Track Program enables outstanding senior undergraduate Aerospace Engineering students to receive dual undergraduate/ graduate course credit for six or nine hours of coursework. These designated graduate courses satisfy both bachelor’s and master’s degree requirements.

Application: Interested undergraduate students should apply to the appropriate program when they are within 30 hours of completing their bachelor’s degrees. They must have completed at least 30 hours at UT Arlington, achieving a GPA of a least 3.0 in those courses, and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in all college courses. Additionally, they must have completed the Aerospace Engineering Foundation courses listed below with a minimum GPA of 3.3 in these courses, and a grade of B or better in each course.

Aerospace Engineering Foundation Courses Required for Admission into the Fast Track Program:

Total Hours16

Requirements: AE Fast Track students must meet the following requirements to complete the program.

1. Course requirements: Complete a minimum of 6 and maximum of 9 hours of graduate coursework from the list of core courses for AE Master's students. The graduate courses may be used in the undergraduate program only as follows. AE 5311 STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS may replace MAE 4314 MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS , and two AE Master's core courses, other than AE 5311 , may replace technical electives. (See Graduate catalog for the list of approved core courses.)

2. Grade requirements: Earn B or better in all graduate courses intended for both undergraduate and graduate credit.

3. GPA: Maintain UTA cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.

Requirements to Continue in the AE Fast Track Program. If at any time an undergraduate Fast Track student falls below the 3.000 GPA requirements or earns a grade below B in a graduate course intended for both undergraduate and graduate credit, he or she will be obliged to leave the program immediately and will not be allowed to take additional graduate courses as an undergraduate. If a student does not complete at least two graduate courses with B or better, any graduate credits earned with a grade of C or better will be applied only to the undergraduate degree. Graduate courses used for credit in the undergraduate program cannot be applied towards a graduate degree.

Benefits: Students who successfully complete the Fast Track Program will be automatically admitted to Graduate School. They will not be required to take the Graduate Record Examination, complete an application for admission to the Graduate School or pay an application fee. For more details about the specifics of the Fast Track program contact the Undergraduate Advisor or Graduate Advisor in Aerospace Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Course Enrollment Clearance: Students must obtain clearance each semester from the Graduate Advisor and Undergraduate Advisor for all graduate courses that will be used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements.

Time Limit to Begin Graduate Studies: A student may take off one long semester plus a summer after receiving the undergraduate degree before starting as a graduate student. An application for graduate admission must be completed and approved before post-baccalaureate studies can begin. Students returning after longer delays will have to apply as a regular student, completing a full application, paying all fees and meeting all admission requirements.

Fast Track Program to Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Students

Overview: The Fast Track Program enables outstanding senior undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students to receive dual undergraduate / graduate course credit for up to nine hours of coursework. These designated graduate courses satisfy both ME bachelor’s and ME master’s degree requirements.

Application: Interested undergraduate students should apply to the program when they are within 30 hours of completing their bachelor’s degrees. They must have completed at least 30 hours at UT Arlington, achieving a GPA of a least 3.0 in those courses, and have an overall GPA of 3.0 or better in all college courses. Additionally, they must have completed the Mechanical Engineering Foundation courses listed below with a minimum GPA of 3.3 in these courses, and a grade of B or better in each course.

Mech anic al Engineering Foundation Courses Required for Admission into the Fast Track Program:

Total Hours11

Requirements: ME Fast Track students must meet the following requirements to complete the program.

1. Course requirements: Complete a minimum of 6 and maximum of 9 hours of graduate coursework from the list of core courses for ME Master's students. The graduate courses may be used in the undergraduate program only as follows. ME 5303 CLASSICAL METHODS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND SYNTHESIS may replace MAE 4310 INTRODUCTION TO AUTOMATIC CONTROL , and up to two ME Master's core courses, other than ME 5303 , may replace technical electives. (See Graduate catalog for the list of approved core courses.)

2. Grade requirements: Earn B or better in all graduate courses intended for both undergraduate and graduate credit.

3. GPA: Maintain UTA cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.

Requirements to Continue in the ME Fast Track Program. If at any time an undergraduate Fast Track student falls below the 3.000 GPA requirements or earns a grade below B in a graduate course intended for both undergraduate and graduate credit, he or she will be obliged to leave the program immediately and will not be allowed to take additional graduate courses as an undergraduate. If a student does not complete at least two graduate courses with B or better, any graduate credits earned with a grade of C or better will be applied only to the undergraduate degree. Graduate courses used for credit in the undergraduate program cannot be applied towards a graduate degree.

Benefits: Students who successfully complete the Fast Track Program will be automatically admitted to Graduate School. They will not be required to take the Graduate Record Examination, complete an application for admission to the Graduate School or pay an application fee. For more details about the specifics of the Fast Track program contact the Undergraduate Advisor or Graduate Advisor in Aerospace Engineering or Mechanical Engineering.

Course Enrollment Clearance: Students must obtain clearance each semester from the Graduate Advisor and Undergraduate Advisor for all graduate courses that will be used to satisfy undergraduate degree requirements.

Time Limit to Begin Graduate Studies: A student may take off one long semester plus a summer after receiving the undergraduate degree before starting as a graduate student. An application for graduate admission must be completed and approved before post-baccalaureate studies can begin. Students returning after longer delays will have to apply as a regular student, completing a full application, paying all fees and meeting all admission requirements.

Fast Track Program to Master's Degree in Materials Science and Engineering for Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Students

The Fast Track Program enables outstanding senior undergraduate Mechanical Engineering students to receive dual ME undergraduate / MSE graduate course credit for up to nine hours of coursework. These designated graduate courses satisfy both bachelor’s and master’s degree requirements if they are completed within the last 15 hours of the undergraduate degree program. Students should refer to the Materials Science and Engineering section of the graduate catalog for detailed requirements of a master’s degree in Materials Science and Engineering.

Interested undergraduate students should apply to the program when they are within 30 hours of completing their bachelor’s degrees. They must have completed at least 30 hours at UT Arlington, achieving a GPA of a least 3.000 in those courses, and have an overall GPA of 3.000 or better in all college courses. Additionally, they must have completed the specific set of undergraduate foundation courses that are listed below with a minimum GPA of 3.250 in these courses, and a grade of B or better in each course.

Mechanical Engineering Foundation Courses Required for Admission into the Fast Track Program:

Total Hours11

Fast Track students may choose 3 graduate courses from the recommended course list to serve as technical electives in the undergraduate degree plan. Other appropriate materials oriented graduate courses may be used if approved by both the student’s Undergraduate ME and Graduate MSE Advisors. MSE 5300 INTRODUCTION TO MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING and independent project courses (for example MSE 5391 ADVANCED STUDIES IN MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ) cannot be used toward the fast track degree.

Recommended graduate courses include:


Good Standing: Students must maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.000 and must earn grades of B or better in all Fast Track-approved courses that will be used to satisfy undergraduate and graduate degree requirements. Students must enroll in at least 2 graduate courses and earn a B or better in all graduate courses taken prior to receiving their bachelor's degree.

If a student does not complete the two required graduate courses or fails to make adequate grades, he or she will be obliged to leave the program and apply as a regular graduate student after receiving the bachelor's degree. Any graduate credits earned will be applied only to the undergraduate degree. Graduate courses used for credit in the undergraduate program cannot be applied towards a graduate degree.

Course Enrollment Clearance: Students must obtain clearance each semester from the Graduate Advisor to take graduate courses that will be used to satisfy degree requirements. The advisor will monitor student progress carefully and advise accordingly.

Time Limit to Begin Graduate Studies: A student may take off one long semester plus a summer after receiving the undergraduate degree before starting as a graduate student. An application for graduate admission must be completed and approved before post-baccalaureate studies can begin. Students returning after longer delays will have to apply as a regular student, completing a full application, paying all fees and meeting all admission requirements.


To receive a minor in Aerospace Engineering (AE), a student must:

1. complete 18 hours of course work as listed below,

2. complete all prerequisites for courses used to satisfy the AE Minor,

3. complete all courses used to satisfy AE Minor requirements with a grade of C or better, and

4. complete at least 9 hours of the AE Minor course requirements in residence at UTA with approval in advance by the MAE Undergraduate Advisor.

Additional requirements. To pursue an AE Minor, a student must be in compliance with the AE 3-GPA calculation requirements for all completed courses that are part of the BSAE program and be in compliance with the COE 3-attempt rule, including prerequisite courses.